The Business Booster - the world's leading event for sustainable energy innovationThe Business Booster is EIT InnoEnergy ’s annual two-day international networking event that showcases 150+ sustainable energy...
Green Innovation of the Year 2024: The Intelligent Thermal BatteryThe Portfolio Green Awards provide an excellent platform for companies to showcase their innovative solutions and plans, with a focus on...
HeatVentors at The Smarter E Europe 2024: Revolutionizing Energy StorageThe Smarter E Europe 2024, held in Munich, stands out as a premier event for energy sector professionals, showcasing cutting-edge...
Revolutionary Energy Storage and International Recognition - Our Visit to ParisThe Vivatech exhibition and conference is a key meeting place for large corporations and startups from around the world, providing an...
Forradalmi Energiatárolás és Nemzetközi Elismerés - Párizsban jártunkA Vivatech kiállítás és konferencia a világ különböző részeiről érkező nagyvállalatok és start up-ok találkozásának meghatározó színtere,...